Hi ,

How is everyone doing, hope ok.

I have this problem with trying to use Basic authentication with my web app. I have 
Tomcat 4.1.10 up and running on win 2000 machine using j2sdk1.4.

Tomcat is listening on port 8443 for SSL connnections. I would like the browser to 
display a login box to the user when the user attempts to access a protected resource. 
When I try to check/test the app, It allows me into the restricted area with out 
having to log in. I expect to be promted to enter a user name and a password but hey 
nothing like thats happens. What am I doing wrong????.


Please if u can help me out I will appreciate it

Below is what my web.xml looks like. The manager role is the same role name I 
specified in tomcat-users.xml





Secure Area














<realm-name>User Basic Authentication</realm-name>




Thanks in advance 



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