Hello, I' m new to mod_jk2 (at present I' using mod_webapp)

but I' trying to install it in order to try it.

I have apache 1.3.26 and tomcat 4.0.5 on Solaris 9.

I downloaded tomcat connectors source and successfully built

jk and jk2 modules with ant.

The question is quite stupid for an expert but it's the following:

which  files should be copied and where should they be copied on tomcat?

the readme file on jk connector souce say: run "ant install" and it will
copy the files in the right location.

but if I run it I get an error:

bash-2.05# /data/develop/jakarta-ant-1.5.1/bin/ant install
Buildfile: build.xml

Target `install' does not exist in this project.

Total time: 4 seconds

so I don't know what copy and where to put it inside catalina home.

thank you for your help!


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