Solaris 2.8

Hi Mladen,
I'm sorry, but if i didn't miss anything, it doesn't work that way.
I think i tried all the possible (and some impossible) combinations within
httpd.conf but to no avail.
The problem is that when building the uri pattern name from JkSet and
JkUriSet the virtual host name is never attached to the path part of the

To show you what i mean i have included an extract of the real
configuration i'm trying to use. It is not complete but there's enough to
show exactly the problem.

The following three files show you the situation when the uri's are mapped
within workers2.properties
(See attached file: httpd.conf.workers2)(See attached file:
jkstatus.workers2.htm)(See attached file: workers2.properties.min)
As you can see in the jkstatus page the uri names are prefixed with the
host names as defined within workers2.properties and in this case when
calling each of the hosts the calls are routed to the correct workers.

The following three files instead shows the situation when the uri's are
mapped with JkSet and JkUriSet within httpd.conf.
(See attached file: httpd.conf.noworkers2)(See attached file:
jkstatus.noworkers2.htm)(See attached file: workers2.properties.min.nouri)
As you can see in jkstatus output, there's no mention of the uri for host
iv00 ant there's no way to have the relative worker to be called.

I home this is enough for you to undestand the problem.

Best regards,  Gabriele.

Attachment: httpd.conf.workers2
Description: Binary data

Attachment: workers2.properties.min
Description: Binary data

Attachment: httpd.conf.noworkers2
Description: Binary data

Attachment: workers2.properties.min.nouri
Description: Binary data

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