How funny !

I just upgraded from RH7.3 to RH 8

Tomcat 4.1.12, j2sdk1.4.1, Apache 2.0.43

And I see only one thread dedicated to tomcat, using top.

But a regular %cpu and %mem, no trouble.

Can anyone explain this mistery ?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason McCormick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: BROKEN: Tomcat 4.1.2 + RedHat 8.0

After waiting for awhile (2+ Minutes), Tomcat appears to start but still
appears to be a single thread.  Is this normal?

On Wednesday 16 October 2002 14:41, Jason McCormick wrote:
>   I running into problems getting Tomcat 4.1.2 started on a clean install
> of RedHat 8.  The initial boot threat starts and appears to deplopy the
> applications (According to the logs) but it only starts a single thread
> which runs at 99% CPU.  Requests to port 8080 to get the examples context
> from the HTTP/1.1 server hangs.  There are no startup errors with Tomcat
> (See below). I've tried both JDK 1.4 and JDK 1.4.1 to rule out a JVM
> problem.
> Startup Logs:
> -----------------------------
> [root@ash bin]# ./catalina.sh run
> Using CATALINA_BASE:   /opt/tomcat
> Using CATALINA_HOME:   /opt/tomcat
> Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /opt/tomcat/temp
> Using JAVA_HOME:       /opt/jdk
> Oct 16, 2002 2:36:40 PM org.apache.commons.modeler.Registry loadRegistry
> INFO: Loading registry information
> Oct 16, 2002 2:36:40 PM org.apache.commons.modeler.Registry getRegistry
> INFO: Creating new Registry instance
> Oct 16, 2002 2:36:42 PM org.apache.commons.modeler.Registry getServer
> INFO: Creating MBeanServer
> Oct 16, 2002 2:36:45 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol init
> INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on port 8080
> Starting service Tomcat-Standalone
> Apache Tomcat/4.1.12
> Oct 16, 2002 2:37:01 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start
> INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on port 8080
> Oct 16, 2002 2:37:01 PM org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket init
> INFO: JK2: ajp13 listening on tcp port 8009
> Oct 16, 2002 2:37:01 PM org.apache.jk.server.JkMain start
> INFO: Jk running ID=0 time=3/63  config=/opt/tomcat/conf/jk2.properties
> ---------
> Can anyone help?

Jason McCormick
Network/Systems Administrator
Lexi-Comp, Inc.
Phone: 330-650-6506 x239
Fax: 330-656-4307

Public Key: http://bamboo.lexi.com/~jmccormick/public-keys.php

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