Leave out the .newInstance()..
  Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("URL");

"Z.BEAT" wrote:

> Here is a code excerpt:
> ---------------------------
> String dbDriver = "org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver";
> try
> {
>      Class.forName(dbDriver).newInstance()
> }
> catch(ClassNotFoundException cnf)
> {
>      out.println(cnf);
> }
> -----------------------------
> When I go to compile this servlet, I have been getting
> boeither one of th of the following exceptions:
> "Undeclared exception.  IllegalAccessException"
> "Undeclared exception.  InstantiationException"
> Any ideas?   I have never had trouble using the mysql
> driver.  Itis working fine on my other JavaBeans, JSPs
> and Serlets.   And I always use the same database
> algorithms, so I don't think I am doing anything
> different.  The only possible change that I can see is
> that these are the first servlets, whereas I have
> previously been coding with JavaBeans.   The Java API
> documentation mentions that these errors may be thrown
> if the constructor is not present, or accessible for
> the class (Class.forname.newInstance()).   I have not
> touched the driver since I installed it, so I am
> inclinec to think it has something to do with the
> servlet environment.
> Thanks!  Sorry for the long-wind!
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