On Tue, 22 Oct 2002, Jim Urban wrote:

> I have spent the past two days trying to get Apache/2 to forward servlet
> requests to Tomcat.  Here are the particulars:
> Java 1.3.0
> Win 2K SP3
> Tomcat 4.0.4
> Apache/2 0.43
> AJP13
> Mod_jk.conf
> ########## Auto generated on Tue Oct 22 12:01:16 CDT 2002##########
> <IfModule !mod_jk.c>
>   LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.dll
> </IfModule>
> JkWorkersFile "y:/Tomcat4.0.4/conf/jk/workers.properties"
> JkLogFile "y:/Tomcat4.0.4/logs/mod_jk.log"
> JkLogLevel debug
> JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] "
[ ... ]

You don't have any JkMount directives.  JkMount directives are of the

JkMount url-pattern worker-name

They tell Apache what URL's (based on a match of the URL pattern) to
forward to Tomcat.  worker-name should be defined in
workers.properties with a number of:


where property is { host, port, type }.

Milt Epstein
Research Programmer
Integration and Software Engineering (ISE)
Campus Information Technologies and Educational Services (CITES)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

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