I'm new to Tomcat. Just installed 4.1.12 on Mac OS X 10.2. The Tomcat Administration and Manager are working fine. Everything in Manager is running=true except the /examples. I cannot find an error message in the log files clear enough to aid me in resolving the problem. If I click on "Start" in Manager I get the message, "FAIL - Application at context path /examples could not" -- very helpful, eh? :)

This is some log file info. I don't know what the "previous error" might be. The docs mention a possible error regarding a proxy and localhost. I'm not behind a proxy, so I don't think that's relevant.

2002-10-23 22:52:58 StandardContext[/examples]: Context startup failed due to pr
evious errors
2002-10-23 22:52:58 ContextListener: attributeReplaced('org.apache.catalina.WELC
OME_FILES', '[Ljava.lang.String;@306677')
2002-10-23 22:52:58 ContextListener: attributeReplaced('org.apache.catalina.WELC
OME_FILES', '[Ljava.lang.String;@171523')
2002-10-23 22:52:58 ContextListener: attributeReplaced('org.apache.catalina.WELC
OME_FILES', '[Ljava.lang.String;@6cb599')
2002-10-23 22:52:58 SessionListener: contextDestroyed()
2002-10-23 22:52:58 ContextListener: contextDestroyed()

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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