I've got a blockfilter, that blocks all access to anything but the only url
that's allowed and reroutes to an errorservlet.
I've also got a method filter that blocks invalid http methods, but when a
request to an invalid url is forwarded to an errorservlet, it's not
filtered through my httpmethodfilter.

I have no idea about your source code, but a filter, like a method, will
handle the returning thread from after the :
            filterChain.doFilter(servletRequest, servletResponse);






Med venlig hilsen



Kristian A. Leth.
Systemsdeveloper, Maersk Data A/S.
Professionals are predictable;
the world is full of dangerous amateurs.

|         |                            |
|         |             Wendy Smoak    |
|         |             <Wendy.Smoak@as|
|         |             u.edu>         |
|         |                            |
|         |             24-10-2002     |
|         |             23:34          |
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|         |             to "Tomcat     |
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  |       To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                           
  |       cc:                                                                          
  |       Subject:  Help with Filters                                                  

I just learned about filters and managed to get one up and running in a few
minutes.  Amazing!

I originally had it mapped as:


It's working a little _too_ well.  I'm using Struts, and the filter seems
be getting hit repeatedly before I finally see the page appear.  My guess
that each 'forward' gets filtered.

I tried to change it to:

So that my initial "welcome" page won't get filtered, and so hopefully only
the initial /editContact.do hit will get filtered, and only once.
Unfortunately, this isn't working--
URL's like http://abc.def.ghi/dev/processContact.do aren't getting
and neither are
ones with parameters in the URL:

So I'm guessing I've done the url-pattern wrong, but all the examples I can
find just have /* to filter all requests.  I thought I saw a reference to
example app that uses filters, but I don't see it in the examples that came
with 4.1.12.

Thanks for any hints...

Wendy Smoak
Applications Systems Analyst, Sr.
Arizona State University PA Information Resources Management

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