
I deploy a web application (war) wrapped in a ear file. But I can't map
any jsp file in my web context!? (even my welcome index.jsp!). When I
enter just the context root it shows a directory archive with no files
inside (probably because a security issue).

--> lists root directory with no files

--> HTTP Status 404 - /lbs/index.jsp
The requested resource (/lbs/index.jsp) is not available.

I create my ear file with my war file and I verified it in deploytool of 
J2EE1.3.1 before deploying it.

I put below my configurations.
I'll appreciate any help!



-->my web directory:
|   | 
|   `-- web.xml
|-- errorpage.jsp
|-- index.jsp

--> web.xml file [WAR]:


--> application.xml descriptor file [EAR]:

  <description>Location Based Service</description>

pedro salazar (pt-inovacao) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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