
Has anyone else seen a memory leak using Tomcat 4.1/JDK 1.4.1  and a Struts
web application?  I was using the Coyote Http 1.1 connectors on port 8080
and 443 ( for  SSL) in Server XML, and found my web app died after 24 hours
or so with an OutOfMemoryException.  I suspected a memory leak and thought
my code was suspect for loitering objects, so I downloaded JProbe from
Sitraka. JProbe MemoryDebugger showed a memory leak of about 1K/second, but
this started even on the initial load of my most basic (start)  webpage,
without any logic yet initiated. There was no eveidence any of my code was
causing loitering objects that wasn't cleaned with java's garbage
collection.  I eventially found an accumulation of java.net.* objects and
socketTimeoutException objects that corresponded to the  memory leak. It
was fixed by changing from the Coyote Connectors in  server.xml  ( which I
din't change) to the legacy Http connectors. I found a similar problem
posted for Tomcat 3.x about a year ago, again mentioning the Coyote
connectors. Has anyone else seen this problem and is this a bug?

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