OK, but I still have some servlets that have to communicate using
HttpSession setting and getting objects between them.  So if on each call
to different servlets I obtain a new session, then I loose the objects
contained in the session.

So reading your answer I think that the problem is to who belongs the
session id.  Does it belongs to the machine that is browsing? I mean: the
IP address? I don't think so because in multiple text sessions of the same
linux machine, browsing from each the same servlet, I obtain different
sessions.  Does it belongs to the user?  which user?  windows user?  linux
user? other OS users?  No, the same user on different linux sessions, gets
different HttpSession.  So I have to think that depends on the
OS.  E.g. on linux it depends on the linux session.  I'd like to bypass
this behavior opening a session each time a user opens a browser.  I
think I have to rescue a browser window id or something like that from
the HttpServletRequest.

Any ideas?



On Wed, 30 Oct 2002, Ralph Einfeldt wrote:

> It's quite simple.
> Whenever a request reaches tomcat that contains no
> session id (url or cookie) or a session id that
> doesn't belongs to a active session, tomcat creates
> a new session.
> To do what you want you have to disable cookies
> in tomcat. This way you will get a new session
> whenever a new window is opened and the url that 
> is used for the window contains no session id.
> Ralph Einfeldt
> Uptime Internet Solution Center GmbH
> Hamburg, Germany
> Hosting, Content Management, Java Consulting
> http://www.uptime-isc.de 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Mauro Daniel Ardolino [mailto:mauro@;altersoft.com.ar]
> > Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 5:13 PM
> > Subject: Session start
> > 
> > I'm confussed about when does a session starts.
> > 
> > Browsing with netscape on a linux gui, opening 2 browsers, 
> > calling the same servlet, the session is shared.  I want 
> > to start a new  session! I mean every time a user opens a 
> > new browser or a new window of the browser and calls my 
> > servlet, I want to start a new session.
> --
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Ing.Mauro Daniel Ardolino
Departamento de Desarrollo y Servicios
Billinghurst 1599 - Piso 9
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website: http://www.altersoft.com.ar

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