I've Tomcat up and running on Mac OS X v10.2. I can execute basic .jsp files, but as soon as I started working with beans I hit a wall.

I have a very simple bean I copied from a tutorial. They instruct me to place the .java file in a particular path with a .class file. I assumed the .class file was created by running javac on my .java file. Soooooooo, I put the .java and .class file in a path that looks like this:

../jswdk-1.0/examples/jsp/tutorial/hellouser (my .jsp files)
../jswdk-1.0/examples/WEB-INF/jsp/beans/hello (where my .java and .class files are located)

I have checked file names, case, etc.. I get this error:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: hello.NameHandler

What is the convention for placing beans on the server? Does what I'm doing look right?


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