
I posted this a while ago, and nobody seems to be interested :) I'm trying again, as I updated my server to 4.1.14 and the problem continues. If somebody could at least give me a direction (like "install Apache, write to other list, send more info...).

I have a Tomcat 4.0.6 server (Linux, Sun JVM 1.3.1_05). My system uses JSP's and servlets. Everything works fine.

I'm testing Tomcat 4.1.14 (Linux, Sun JVM 1.3.1_05). Just cp -R <tomcat-4.0.6>/webapps/myapps <tomcat-4.1.14>/webapps/myapps. Started 4.1.14.

Navigating on my apps, sometimes the answer that I get is something like


where there should be information. If I hit "Reload" on my browser, sometimes I get the expected answer, sometimes I don't (I also tried on different browsers).

The log files shows that thr processing is happening (servlets are getting instantiated, catalina.out shows the garbage colletion), but the answer never comes to my browser. I mean, I get a blank page with some tags, but not the answer I expected.

Then, on <tomcat-4.1.14>/conf/server.xml, I altered

<Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"


<Connector className="org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector"

After the restart, things work fine, like tomcat-4.0.6. Anyone knows what (why) this is happening ? Is it a bug on Coyote ? I did not found anything on mailing lists (perhaps my search did not contained the right words - I'm not a native english speaker, you know :).

Thanks a lot,


Fabio Mengue - Centro de Computacao - Unicamp
"Quem se mata de trabalhar merece mesmo morrer." - Millor

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