
For tomcat 4 on HP-UX I have found very little gets sent to the console
window except when you try to start tomcat when it is already running.

Also, I just attempted to install the same tarball as you on our server and
I got the same error.
I would imagine that there is an issue with the way the tar files was
created.  When you unzipped on your windows machine did you get some
filename conflict errors?  When I look at the zip file there appears to a
large number of duplicate files but none of these files appear to be there
when I untar them on a linux machine.  If I untar on my linux machine and
then jar it up and then unjar on hp-ux it appears to install correctly.
While I have seen those longlink error messages before this is the first
download I could not install directly onto our servers


-----Original Message-----
From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:Wendy.Smoak@;asu.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 3:41 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Tomcat on HP-UX 11

> That's all.  Nothing in the log directory, no other messages on the
> Everywhere else I've installed [unzipped!] Tomcat, it has just worked
> immediately, so I'm not too sure where to go looking for problems.  I
> have any error messages to search the archives for, either.  Any ideas?

I have one... PATIENCE!  It took ~3 minutes to start.  I happened to hit
refresh in the browser and found that it was alive.  Still no messages on
the console, though... I usually [Win2000 & Linux] see things go flying by
as Tomcat starts up.  Aha!  Found it: logs/catalina.out

Okay, then, we seem to be in business.  Thankfully I'm not the one who has
to get the whole Apache/Tomcat/SSL thing to work. ;)

Wendy Smoak

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