    The manager install and reload finctions work fine on 4.0.4 running on an 
AS/400 with a windows client.  Your URL format looks correct and like the one I 
used.  It took me a few trial and errors to get the format correct.
> Hello -
> I've setup 4.1.12 on Solaris 8.  
> I've given access to the manager app to my users.  They are all using the
> same user account and password in tomcat-users.xml for now, though that will
> change once I get more experience using the security roles system.
> Do my users need system-level user accounts in order to use the Tomcat
> manager app?  Do WAR files need to be copied to the server prior to trying
> to deploy them using the Manager app?    I'm trying to use a Manager URL
> like this to install a WAR file:
> myApp.war
> This returns an error message that says:
> "FAIL - Encountered exception
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Doc base must point to a WAR file"
> I've got a whole bunch of Microsoft VB coders learning JSP and Java, and I'd
> really like to avoid having to set all of them up as users on my server, and
> teach them about command lines, FTP, etc.  It was my understanding that they
> would be able to use the Manager app to deploy their WAR files as needed via
> a web browser.  Is this not the case?
> Assume this scenario:
> - they should be able to access their apps on
> - they should be able to use the Manager app to deploy as needed
> - their application WAR files exist on Windows 2000 Pro machines
> That said, can someone provide me with an example of how to deploy
> someApp.war from a Windows 2000 machine to a Tomcat server using only the
> Manager app?  Can this even be done?
> Specifically, I would like to know, for the scenario above, how I would fill
> in the three text boxes on the page at
> which are labeled "Path",
> "Config URL", and "WAR URL".  As it stands right now, I would think it would
> be:
> Path = /someApp
> Config URL = I have no idea
> WAR URL = C:\some\path\to\war\file\on\Win2K
> Any help is appreciated...and I guarantee the docs will get updated once I
> figure this out, as they haven't helped me any so far!
> - John
> ============================================
> John Turner
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 248-488-3466
> Advertising Audit Service
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