Pick yer poison:


You can skip most of it...you've got things installed and built.  That said,
scroll down to the section after the gray "building the connectors" section
and you'll see the exact steps needed to make http://localhost/examples work
via Apache and mod_jk.  There aren't many.

You've got a lot going on in that workers.properties file...you don't need
load-balancing at all unless you have multiple Tomcat instances, and you
also don't need any ajp12 workers defined.  I also don't think you can do
JNI at all from mod_jk, AFAIK you need mod_jk2 for that. It might help
things if you started with a plain vanilla workers.properties file, and went
from there.  Something like:


...is all you need to get started.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: .: B i g D o g :. [mailto:bigdog@;venticon.com]
> Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 6:38 AM
> Subject: Apache + Tomcat Installation
> All,
> I have some questions concerning the mod_jk for apache and 
> getting it to
> run.
> I moved all the examples for tomcat into my web root 
> directory and when
> i run the examples i get a 404 error from tomcat.
> What can i do to solve this problem?  Any good docs out there...I have
> mulled over apache.org.
> Thanks,
> [Info]
> RedHat 7.3
> Apache 1.3.26 (source)
> Tomcat 4.1.12 (binary)
> mod_jk.so     (mod_jk-1.3-noeapi.so - renamed to mod_jk.so)
> [http.conf]
> LoadModule jk_module libexec/mod_jk.so
> <IfModule mod_jk.c>
> JkWorkersFile /usr/local/tomcat/conf/workers.properties
> JkLogFile /usr/local/tomcat/logs/mod_jk.log
> JkLogLevel info
> JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] "
> JkRequestLogFormat "%w %V %T"
> JkMount /*.jsp worker2
> </IfModule>
> [tomcat's workers.properties]
> # Define some properties
> workers.apache_log=/usr/local/apache/logs/error_log
> workers.tomcat_home=/usr/local/tomcat
> workers.java_home=/usr/local/java
> ps=/
> # Define 4 workers, 3 real workers using ajp12, ajp13, jni, 
> the last one
> being a loadbalancing worker
> worker.list=worker1, worker2, worker3, worker4
> # Set properties for worker1 (ajp12)
> worker.worker1.type=ajp12
> worker.worker1.host=localhost
> worker.worker1.port=8007
> worker.worker1.lbfactor=5
> # Set properties for worker2 (ajp13)
> worker.worker2.type=ajp13
> worker.worker2.host=localhost
> worker.worker2.port=8009
> worker.worker2.lbfactor=50
> worker.worker2.cachesize=10
> worker.worker2.cache_timeout=600
> worker.worker2.socket_keepalive=1
> worker.worker2.socket_timeout=300
> # Set properties for worker3 (jni)
> #worker.worker3.type=jni
> # Set worker3 classpath
> #worker.worker3.class_path=$(workers.tomcat_home)$(ps)classes
> #worker.worker3.class_path=$(workers.tomcat_home)$(ps)lib$(ps)
> tomcat.jar
> # Set worker3 tomcat command line
> #worker.worker3.cmd_line=-home
> #worker.worker3.cmd_line=$(workers.tomcat_home)
> # Set worker3 Tomcat/JVM settings
> #worker.worker3.jvm_lib=$(workers.java_home)$(ps)jre$(ps)bin$(
> ps)classic$(ps)libjvm.so
> #worker.worker3.stdout=$(workers.apache_log)$(ps)inprocess.stdout
> #worker.worker3.stderr=$(workers.apache_log)$(ps)inprocess.stderr
> #worker.worker3.sysprops=tomcat.home=$(workers.tomcat_home)
> # Set properties for worker4 (lb) which use worker1 and worker2
> #worker.worker4.balanced_workers=worker1,worker2 
> -- 
> .: B i g D o g :.
> --
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