I am trying to setup WebSphere 4.0 (trial) on RedHat Linux 7.2 (Apache 1.3).  
I downloaded the WebSphere tar ball from 
I get a message at the start of the install that "The installer was not able to 
determine that you have a supported Linux distribution". It however let's me go ahead 
and the install does complete successfully. I opted for the Apache plugin and IBM 
HTTPD. However, the plugin that it installs is compiled without the EAPI and so I get 
a message in the log that Apache might crash and it indeed does. I tried applying the 
eFix for this (PQ59241) but the eFix throws a Java exception and the log provides no 
2002/11/14 01:30:27
2002/11/14 01:30:27 Please view the activity log for details.
Runtime exception: java.lang.ClassCastException
2002/11/14 01:30:27 Error 91 -- Runtime exception:
        at DomL2Spt.findNode(DomL2Spt.java:652)
        at DomL2Spt.getValue(DomL2Spt.java:601)
        at XML_Handler.query(XML_Handler.java:111)
        at Extractor.verifyPrerequisites(Extractor.java:1569)
        at Extractor.handlePrerequisites(Extractor.java:1510)
        at Extractor.basicProcess(Extractor.java:792)
        at Extractor.process(Extractor.java:260)
        at Extractor.main(Extractor.java:203)

The Extractor.log file contains no errors:
2002/11/13 16:20:22 Operating System name is Linux
2002/11/13 16:20:22 Container type identified as AEsServer
2002/11/13 16:20:22 Verifying prerequisites
2002/11/13 16:20:22 Space requirements       : ? Bytes
2002/11/13 16:20:22 Version requirements     : 4.0.3
2002/11/13 16:20:22 Parser instantiated with Validating=false,
2002/11/13 16:20:23 Input Jar File      :
2002/11/13 16:20:23 Target Directory    : /opt/WebSphere/AppServer
2002/11/13 16:20:23 Backup Jar File     :
2002/11/13 16:20:24 Warnings issued     : 0
2002/11/13 16:20:23 Activity Log File   :
2002/11/13 16:20:24
2002/11/13 16:20:24 *** End of PQ59241 Install Process *** with no
2002/11/13 16:20:24
2002/11/13 16:20:24 Please view the activity log for details

Can you please let me know what I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,
Rudolph AraujoGet more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download : 

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