Robert Williams wrote:

Thanks for the info however I have not had any luck. I have put tried
putting the commons-logging-api.jar in commons/lib, /usr/java/lib, and
/usr/java/lib/ext. I then did the same with the commons-logging-1.0.2
putting both the commons-logging-api.jar and commons-logging.jar in the
same places as well as adding it manually to the classpath. I then
upgraded to jdk 1.4.1 and tried the above again. Wow I don't get it. Is
there a way to see what the classpath that tomcat is seeing or a way to
see what classes are actually loaded into the JVM?

When I run a test program calling the logger simiar(diferent class as
argument) to the one that is causing all of the fuss it runs fine. Any

Try this:

I created a file called reqinfo.jsp and put it in the $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT, which should be accessible by the URL:

http://localhost:8080/reqinfo.jsp or whatever port you've configured for the http/1.1 connector.

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html" %>
<body bgcolor="white">

The following information was received:
<li>Request Method: <%= request.getMethod( ) %>
<li>Request URI: <%= request.getRequestURI( ) %>
<li>Request Protocol: <%= request.getProtocol( ) %>
<li>Servlet Path: <%= request.getServletPath( ) %>
<li>Query String: <%= request.getQueryString( ) %>
<li>Server Name: <%= request.getServerName( ) %>
<li>Server Port: <%= request.getServerPort( ) %>
<li>Remote Address: <%= request.getRemoteAddr( ) %>
<li>Remote Host: <%= request.getRemoteHost( ) %>
<li>Browser Type: <%= request.getHeader( "User-Agent" ) %>
<li>CLASSPATH: <%= System.getProperty( "java.class.path" ) %>

Another idea -- which I haven't tried yet is to put *ALL* the jars in the $CATALINA_HOME/commons/lib. This was a suggestion from Costin Manolache. Another suggestion from Bill Barker was to try Costin's fix to the Manifrest Class-Path in 4.1.15.

public class MyClassLoader {
private static org.apache.commons.logging.Log log=
MyClassLoader.class );
private void doStuff(){
System.out.println("log is " + log);

public static void main(String[] args) {
new MyClassLoader().doStuff();

-----Original Message-----
From: Brzezinski, Paul J [mailto:Paul.Brzezinski@;EDS.COM] Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 4:32 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: JK2 unixsocket: Can't create apr

Robert Williams -- try this...I haven't been able to try it yet, so your
mileage may vary.


Costin Manolache wrote:

>A quick test: put commons-logging.jar and log4j.jar in common/lib. >

Most classloader problems are due to the loader hierarchy. > >It is

possible ( at least with 5.0 - I'm running it this way ) to >put all
the jars in the same place ( like common/lib or just in CLASSPATH) >and
run tomcat with delegation and a simple class loader hierarchy. > >I
would bet the same works with 4.1.x - jboss for example is using

embeded tocmat with all the jars in the main loader. > >Regarding the

unix channel - you need to be able to load >and
It may be a good idea ( at least for testing ) to place >them in the
JRE_HOME/lib dir - that's a place where java will certainly >look for
.so files. ( at least with JDK1.4 I had some problems with loading
>jars, and the LD_LIBRARY_PATH may create some problems ).
>Brzezinski, Paul J wrote:
>>Original post came from Tomcat Users, replying/cross-posting... >>


>>: -----Original Message-----
>>: From: Costin Manolache [mailto:cmanolache@;]
>>: Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 3:16 PM
>>: To: Tomcat Developers List
>>: Subject: RE: JK2 unixsocket: Can't create apr
>>: Very weird.
>>: Are you using the latest commons-logging.jar ? JDK1.4 or 1.3
>>: ? Do you have log4j ?
>>Yes -- *I* get this error on 4.1.12/5.0 on Solaris 8, hopefully
Robert >>Williams can provide details about his specfic config: >> >>

I have: >> >>j2sdk1.4.1 >>commons-logging-1.0.2
jakarta-log4j-1.2.6 >> >>Tried this against:
jakarta-tomcat-4.1.12 >>jakarta-tomcat-4.1.12-LE-jdk14
jakarta-tomcat-5 >> >>I get the same error -- can't create apr...

>>java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory
>> at org.apache.jk.apr.AprImpl.<clinit>(
>>: The problem seems releated to class loading ( as usual :-). >>

Yeah, but how do we work-around it or solve it permanently. I've

tried >>massaging the startup script to include commons-logging.jar in
>>CLASSPATH that gets passed to the JVM at startup.
>>I've put commons-logging.jar in $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib even though

commons-logging-api.jar exists there. >> >>I see in the -LE-jdk14

that there's a log4j.rename-to-jar. What's the >>confidence level that
this will resolve this problem? >> >>Is this a problem on other
platforms? >> >>Is this NOT a problem on Linux? >>
>>: Costin
>>: Brzezinski, Paul J wrote:
>>: > I wonder if a better question is:
>>: >
>>: > Is anyone using the ChannelUnix (AF_UNIX socket) connector on any
>>: > platform?
>>: >
>>: > On what platforms is the ChannelUnix (AF_UNIX socket) connector
>>: > actually known to function?
>>: >
>>: >
>>: >
>>: > : -----Original Message-----
>>: > : From: Robert Williams [mailto:rcw1@;]
>>: > : Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 1:05 PM
>>: > : To: Tomcat User
>>: > : Subject: JK2 unixsocket: Can't create apr
>>: > :
>>: > :
>>: > : Hi all,
>>: > : I am trying to implement the unixsocket on JK2. While the
>>: > : channelSocket
>>: > : works fine I was hoping to get the speed benefits of a
>>: > : unixsocket. I am
>>: > : using the example setups in the JK2 documentation. And since
>>: > : it seems to
>>: > : be looking for the LogFactory I have made sure that
>>: > : commons-logging-api.jar was in the Tomcat common/lib and I
>>: > : also put it
>>: > : in java/jre/lib/ext as well. All to no avail. I am
>>: stumped. I haven't
>>: > : been able to find anything in the list or on google
>>: addressing this
>>: > : problem. Some docs regarding channelSocket say disable
>>: apr for this
>>: > : error but apparently unixsocket won't work without apr
>>: > : enabled. Any help
>>: > : would be appreciated.
>>: > : Thanks Robert
>>: > :
>>: > : jakarta-tomcat-4.1.12
>>: > : jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.12
>>: > : Apache/2.0.43
>>: > : Solaris 9
>>: > :
>>: > : Nov 13, 2002 9:29:04 AM org.apache.jk.server.JkMain newHandler
>>: > : SEVERE: Can't create apr
>>: > : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
>>: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory
>>: > : at org.apache.jk.apr.AprImpl.<clinit>(
>>: > : at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
>>: > : at java.lang.Class.forName(
>>: > : at
>>: > : at org.apache.jk.server.JkMain.start(
>>: > : at
>>: > : org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler.start(JkCoyoteHandler.jav
>>: > :
>>: > :
>>: > :
>>: > : [shm]
>>: > : file=${serverRoot}/logs/shm.file
>>: > : size=1048576
>>: > :
>>: > : # Example unixsocket channel.
>>: > : [channel.un:unixsocket]
>>: > : file=/usr/local/tomcat/work/jk2.socket
>>: > :
>>: > : # define the worker
>>: > : [ajp13:unixsocket]
>>: > : channel=channel.un:unixsocket
>>: > :
>>: > : # Uri mapping
>>: > : [uri:/examples/*]
>>: > : worker=ajp13:unixsocket
>>: > :
>>: > :
>>: > : # list of needed handlers.
>>: > : handler.list=apr,channelUnix,request
>>: > :
>>: > : # Location of the socket.
>>: > : channelUnix.file=${jkHome}/work/jk2.socket
>>: > :
>>: > : # Dynamic library
>>: > : apr.NativeSo=${jkHome}/lib/
>>: > :
>>: > :
>>: > : #Wed Nov 13 09:38:33 PST 2002
>>: > : handler.list=apr,channelUnix,request
>>: > : secure=false
>>: > : soTimeout=20000
>>: > : port=8009
>>: > : jkHome=/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.12
>>: > : maxThreads=75
>>: > : backlog=10
>>: > : apr.NativeSo=${jkHome}/lib/
>>: > : timeout=20000
>>: > : channelUnix.file=${jkHome}/work/jk2.socket
>>: > : tcpNoDelay=true
>>: > :
>>: > :
>>: > : Build Apache
>>: > : ./configure --with-mpm=worker --enable-so
>>: > : --enable-module=most --enable-mods-shared=most
>>: > : make
>>: > : make install
>>: > :
>>: > : Build jk2 Conector
>>: > : cd ${conector.home}/jk/native2
>>: > : sh ./
>>: > :
>>: > : cp /usr/java/include/solaris to /usr/java/include/
>>: > :
>>: > : CPPFLAGS=-DBSD_COMP ./configure \
>>: > : --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs \
>>: > : --with-tomcat41=/usr/local/tomcat \
>>: > : --with-java-home=${JAVA_HOME} \
>>: > : --with-java-platform=2 \
>>: > : --with-jni
>>: > :
>>: > : make CPPFLAGS=-DBSD_COMP
>>: > :
>>: > : cd ${conector.home}/jk/build/jk2/apache2
>>: > : mkdir /usr/local/tomcat/lib/
>>: > : cp * /usr/local/tomcat/lib/
>>: > : cp /usr/local/apache2/modules/
>>: > :
>>: > : installed GNU Tools
>>: > : autoconf-2.54-sol9-sparc-local.gz
>>: > : tar-1.13.19-sol9-sparc-local.gz
>>: > : m4-1.4-sol9-sparc-local
>>: > : automake-1.7.1-sol9-sparc-local
>>: > : make-3.80-sol9-sparc-local.gz
>>: > : libtool-1.4
>>: > :
>>: > :
>>: > :
>>: > :
>>: > : --
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>>: > :
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