
I have the same problem, but have not yet solved it. (I know what the
problem means, but it doesnt help). If you come across a solution to this
please share it with you. :)


However, I will not sit back and wait so I will install the Apache
server(HTTPD) and have a tomcat-mod running instead,  because I already know
that Apache handle SSL/TSL (Client Auth and others) just right.

It would have simplyfied and enhanced my implementaion phase a lot if I only
had to worry about tomcat. Now I have to worry about both "HTTPD" and
tomcat.  *hmmf*



ps.. This problem is called an "abstraction leakage".

-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Stephen Vaithara [mailto:Josephsv@;infosys.com]
Sent: den 15 november 2002 10:34
Subject: Trouble installing SSL on Tomcat Standalone

Hi ,

I have configured SSL for my tomcat standalone webserver. I am using a trial
VeriSign certificate. Now when I try to connect to tomcat Netscape throws
the message     "Netscape and  <my host> cannot communicate because they have
no common encryption algorithms"

Any pointers as to where the problem would be greatly appreciated.

Steps I followed to setup SSL
1) keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -keystore ./.keystore
2) keytool -certreq -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA  -file
<myhostname>.csr -keystore ./.keystore
3) Got the csr file  signed by verisign
4)  keytool -import  -alias root -trustcacerts -file
<myHostName>.crt -keystore ./.keystore
5) keytool -delete -alias tomcat  -keystore ./.keystore  (If skip this step
then the self signed certificate is used.)


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