(running Tomcat 4.04) Granting permissions to individual jar files in a
webapp's WEB-INF/lib directory does not seem to be working correctly for

I'm using the lastest Log4J and decided to put it in the lib directory
for my specific webapp. In a servlet filter for this webapp I have a
static Logger field that gets initialized:

    private static final Logger logger =

I'm attempting to give the log4j jar in the webapp's WEB-INF/lib
directory java.lang.AllPermission:

grant codeBase
"file:${catalina.home}/webapps/myapp/WEB-INF/lib/log4j-1.2.6.jar" {
      permission java.security.AllPermission;

When I try to start up Tomcat, I get the following error:

log4j:WARN Caught Exception while in Loader.getResource. This may be
java.security.AccessControlException: access denied
(java.lang.RuntimePermission getClassLoader)
<large exception trace follows>

I've noticed that if I put this specific permission in the general grant
structure of catalina.policy, everything works fine:

grant { 
// lots of other permissions
java.lang.RuntimePermission "getClassLoader";

I'd like to avoid granting all webapp code this permission, so can
anyone tell me why the specific jarfile-based permission grant does not
work? When I turn on permissions debugging
(-Djava.security.debug=access:failure), I see the following output (this
is when I try granting AllPermission to the log4j jar specifically):

access: domain that failed ProtectionDomain (jar:file:C:/Documents and
e/log4j/helpers/Loader.class <no certificates>)
Extension[Struts Framework, implementationVendor=Apache Software
Foundation, implementationVendorId=org.apache,
implementationVersion=1.0.2, specificationVendor=Apache Software
Foundation, specificationVersion=1.0]
delegate: false

If I read this correctly, the Log4J jar is the code base that's
violating the permissions check. But how can that be when I specifically
grant AllPermission to the log4j jar file?

Thanks for your help,

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