On Wed, 20 Nov 2002, Andre Schild wrote:

> Perhaps we should splitt the tomcat mailinglist a bit more, so each
> list gets less traffic.

That idea has been tried by many different groups for many different
projects over many years, and tends to fail at accomplishing the
theoretical goals of reducing message traffic.  The problem is that it
doesn't meet the needs of either question askers or question answerers.

* Question askers who subscribe to just one "specialized" user list
  will tend to ignore the list's topic, and just ask all their questions
  there anyway.

* Questions that are asked (and answered) are often of interest to
  people subscribed to other specialized user lists, but they miss
  the fact that this question has already been asked and answered
  elsewhere -- so they ask it again.

* Answerers (like me) are pretty much averse to subscribing to multiple
  specialized sublists, primarily because of the increased message
  traffic caused by the above.

The net effect of such a change tends to be that the message traffic of
questions increases (due to duplications), but the message traffic of
answers decreases (because answerers won't subscribe to multiple lists).
That kind of result would *not* be beneficial to the community.

If you subscribe to high volume mailing lists like TOMCAT-USER, here's the
policies I follow to maintain sanity:

* Filter the mail into a separate folder, so I only have to deal with
  it when I want to and have time.

* Set your mail reader to display the messages in threaded order, so
  you can see if a question you find "interesting" has already been

* Aggressively delete messages with subject lines you are not interested
  in, without even opening them.  For example, I delete any message
  related to web connectors -- I don't use them, don't know enough about
  how they work to be helpful, and don't therefore find much point in
  reading them.  This one rule makes TOMCA-USER much more palatable
  for me :-), but won't help people who do need to know how to configure

> André


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