Let me try and be more specific :)

First of all, if I get all to work the current setup with JServ will
disappear and I am testing this in a test environment (Vmware)

So let me see if I can chop my questions up in different parts
The application is being developed using tomcat 4.1.12 running
standalone. The development is going nice and contacting the application
on localhost:8080/application is perfect.

Question 1:
I want the application to be the root of the tomcat. Meaning that in my
test environment when I contact localhost:8080 I get the application and
not the standard Tomcat page.
I edited the server.xml and changed the Root context to point to the
 <Context path="" docBase="application" debug="0"/> I even removed the
ROOT directory. When starting this up going to localhost:8080 will give
me a "No context configured to process this request" If I go to
localhost:8080/application my application is there. So how do I change

Because the current server that needs to be replaced is running several
domains in a virtual setup (and very nicely too thanks to apache). My
idea is to remove the current 1.3 install with JServ and replace it with
apache 2.0.43 that will run all the virtual hosts and will talk to
tomcat for the web application (see question 1) that will be in a new
virtual host. So after I have been able to get question 1 answered
(replacing the root context with my application) the next question will
be what the best way is of setting mod_jk up to serve up the application
when apache gets a request for this application.

I hope this is more clearer 


PS to fullfill the list:
OS linux version 2.4.19
TOMCAT 4.1.12
JDK: jsdk1.4.1_1
Hardware never enough but it is a big enough intel box :)
Network: running fine, thank you :)

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