Thanks for taking the time to reply.  I just got my MySQL cookbook in
the mail (has a JSP section) and combined with an O'Reilly JSP book I'm
going to try to tough it out over the Thanksgiving holiday.  I have less
documentation on your approach and it looks like even more to learn (Ant
for instance); I'm really a hardware guy who likes to play with software
;-}, I have better luck with assembler on 8 bit micros.  The JSP book is
by Bergsten and he really doesn't go into the web.xml file much, I think
I will attack that first.

Thanks again,

David Brown wrote:
> Eric Earnst writes:
> > Hi all,
> > I've read a lot of docs but over a long enough period of time that I
> > forget most of what I read, the recent over-age newbie really applies
> > here...
> >
> > I am putting together my first site and am getting the following error
> > message from Tomcat (4.1.12-LE-jdk14):
> > org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /pnDatabaseConnect.jsp(3,0)
> > jasper.error.emptybodycontent.nonempty
> >
> > Here is the top of the file in question:
> >
> > <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core"; %>
> > <%@ taglib prefix="sql" uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/sql"; %>
> >
> > <sql:setDataSource>
> >       var="PartNumDB" scope="application"
> >       driver="org.gjt.mm.mysql.driver"
> >       url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/PartNumberMaster"
> >       user="Root"
> >       password=""
> > </sql:setDataSource>
> >
> > <sql:query var="PartNum" scope="request" datasource="${PartNumDB}">
> >       SELECT * FROM PartNumberMaster
> > </sql:query>
> >
> > I don't have a web.xml file, every one I've come up with causes Tomcat
> > to not find my pages...  I've loaded the JSTL into:
> > C:\Jakarta\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.12-LE-jdk14\webapps\myapp\WEB-INF\lib
> > and the TLD files into the WEB-INF directory.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Eric
> >
> > --
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> >
> Hello Eric, i will have to admit that i'm using a tc version < 4.1.12 but i
> cannot fathom tc w/o a web.xml file. if u r a newbie then u r taking leaps
> that r too big. u have crammed a lot of functinality into a jsp using the
> tags. this is ok 4 someone w/ a lot of background but i personally don't
> recommend this approach. 4 the time being if u r interested in the
> functionality and not the implementation then allow me to suggest that u
> take a more "tiered" approach to make ur jdbc connection and sql query:
> 1) lay off the tags untill u r more experienced.
> 2) what i mean by "tier" is put ur jdbc connection and sql query in a
> separate class or "bean" away from ur web content directory. i use oracle
> and mysql all the time this way. get the class bean to execute standalone
> first b4 u put it into ur directory structure. an ascii directory tree
> follows.
> 3) inspect ur build process. using ant and bulid.xml is highly recommended.
> 4) if u get step two above to work (separating ur web content from ur
> process) then allow me to suggest introducing a third leg (in technogeek
> this is MVC: model-view-controller). this third piece is a servlet or better
> yet a "director" servlet that handles all requests from all of ur jsp's (1
> to serveral jsp's). case in point: ur jsp requests ur servlet for db info.
> the servlet requests info from ur class "bean". the servlet sends the db
> info and sql query results back to the jsp. in the long run much simpler and
> cleaner not to mention the ability to scale this "design pattern" (more
> technogeek). an example of my directory structure follows:
>           |
>           /webapps
>                  |
>                  /<app_dir>
>                           /WEB-INF
>                                  |
>                                  /web.xml
>           |
>           /webapps
>                  |
>                  /<app_dir>
>                           /WEB-INF
>                                  |
>                                  /classes
>                                         |
>                                         /<app_dir>
>                                              /\
>                                             /  \
>                                            /    \
>                                          /web  /beans
> this is just one director. i have the directory separated to show the
> different file contents: web.xml is always under /WEB-INF. under /web
> contains: jsp's, html's, css's, etc. and under /beans contains: ordinary
> class files w/ constructors and getter/setter methods 4 ur web objects.
> also, the /beans directory or yet another aply named directory could
> contained serialized classes 4 even more advance data movement.
> this is the classic design pattern most developers have at least some
> familiarity: http://java.sun.com/blueprints/patterns/ or better yet just
> type: model-view-controler at the google prompt and start reading.
> hope this helps, david.
> --
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