        In my quest to be able to parse a 10 line XML file in a JSP 
(notice the sarcasm there?) and extract an element value, I have come 
accross a few PDFs that talk of custom tags - and for the purposes of XML, 
a taglib directive. In several examples I saw <%@ taglib uri="..." 
prefix="tl" %> and syntax such as <tl:parse id=...". Can anyone shed some 
light on this please? What is 'uri'? Presuming it was a path to my XML 
file I plugged in - <%@ taglib uri="myfile.xml" prefix="tl" %>, hoping I 
could parse it and extract elements using <tl:parse id=.... etc. Supplying 
the XML file below, I was given the error in the browser:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: XML parsing error on file /myfile.xml: 
(line 3, col -1): Element type "books" is not declared.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> 

    <book isbn="123">

What have I stumbled upon? Am i way off thinking I can use this syntax to 
parse my XML file? What is the significance of the error displayed?

Thanks very much


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