Maybe you should provide the answer to following questions:

- Do you run tomcat stand alone ?
- If yes which JSSE do you use ?
- Which jvm do you use ?
- On which operating system ?

Maybe you should try to profile tomcat with a tool like 
OptimizeIt to see if it is tomcat or the underlying ssl 
implementation that has the leak.


tc 3.2 is quite outdated.
Maybe you should upgrade to 3.3.* or 4.*.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Mark Balz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 9:21 AM
> Subject: Mozilla crashes Tomcat.
> I'm pretty sure it's not my code since the leak starts immediately on 
> secure (ssl) session log-in to a static page (no servlet action 
> whatsoever).  If a Moz/N6+ browser is already logged in 
> however, after restarting the Tomcat server it takes a request from 
> Moz1.x/N6 to start the big leak that leads to an eventual JVM shutdown.

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