David Brown wrote:

Patrick Kosiol writes:

I am using the Tomcat 4.0.4 as a standalone-server. Esspecially because JBuilder7 supports Servlet debugging.
I have an webApplication that includes a client- and a server-directory (package). The server-dir contains the Servlet-Class and the client-dir contains the client, of course. This client is a java.applet and does work fine (it is startet through out a html-page). But my problem is to connect to the servlet.
I have also tried to put the .war file into the %CATALINA_HOME%/webapps - folder and added the Lines
"<!-- TOMCAT Bfpl-Context --> <Context path="/myApp" docBase="myApp" debug="0" reloadable="true" />" into the server.xml.
So the .war - File should be extracted at the next start of Tomcat. But that doesn't work What am I doing wrong?
An other question is: "How do I connect from an Applet or a java.frame (opened by the applet) to this servlet. What the adress of the servlet?
So my Applet is working fine but I do not get a connection to the servlet, so I cannot get my data from the webserver. :-(
I hope anyone can help me. thx

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Hello Patrick, based on ur info i have to make some assumptions. from ur statment: "I have also tried to put the .war file into the %CATALINA_HOME%/webapps - folder..." and on: "So the .war - File should be extracted at the next start of Tomcat. But that doesn't work..." i am compelled to ask: does the .war expanded into something expected like: $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/myApp? if not, this is the source of ur problem. if u do get expansion does this exist?: $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/myApp/WEB-INF/web.xml? if not, this is the source of ur problem. if u do have a web.xml then look 4 the following (depending on package naming): $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/myApp/WEB-INF/classes/<package name>/myApp/myApp.class (assuming ur servlet is named myApp.java). if this does not exits then definitely a source of problems. one small observation: ur statement: "I have also tried to put the .war file..." is disturbing because any good development system should work such that correct deployment is "automatic". i'm not criticisizing jbuilder and borland. i like borland products. and, i'm not criticisizing u 4 ur choices. it just seems many people have problems w/ tc dev based more on deployment issues. if u have not progressed try the following: try to use the command line and deploy a "test" servlet (not myApp). and, invoke the servlet from the browser. ur applet should be outside ur "webapps" environment. if u can invoke ur test servlet then try to invoke it from ur applet. if u r comfortable working from the command line u might want to try the ant build system that is used to build the tc "/examples" applications. ant is a very powerfull tool and can really help w/ deployment issues. ide's r ok 4 debugging "code" issues but i have found most "java" developers have issues based more on: packaging, directories, files systems and deployment in general than "code" issues. hope this helps, david.

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1. I do not get any expansions.
2. My DirectorySystem is:

Can that works that the client and the server classes are in there folders? These Directory is created by JB so that should also work in Tomcat.


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