Hi David

David Brown wrote:
> Hello Marcel, i took a peek at your (and your friends') website and
> it seems to be built by some smart and eager guys (nice site!). so
> why the m$ ii$? u seem to know a lot of linux and ur upstream
> provider: Genotec AG Swiss Network has a lot of linux boxes in their
> system.

I hardly know anything of Linux. My own website is hosted on a W2K system
for I want to use ASP.

> i am just curious why the preference of iis over apache? i'm

I have no preference of IIS over Apache. The case is the following:
At work we're developing workflow solutions with W4 (www.w4global.com). It
runs on Linux/NT with Oracle/SQL and any combination of web server/app
server. We're using Tomcat as 'app server' and IIS or Apache as web server.
This results in three different dev environments for me. NT/SQL/IIS/Tomcat,
NT/Oracle/IIS/Tomcat, and Linux/Oracle/Apache/Linux. However, I have to
admit that I'm by far more familiar with IIS than with Apache.

> not at all familiar w/ iis config but it would seem to me that the
> java side of tc would still have to be the same regardless of
> platform. adding a new "web apps" (if using ant) is easy if u define
> and compile a .war/.jar combo that is expanded by the tc server when
> either: bounced, autoreloaded or
> http://localhost:8080/manager/intall?path=MyOwnTest_Java. I don't
> understand your tc directory structure:
> $CATALINA_HOME\webapps\MyOwnTest_Java\Public. do u have an

Well, W4 generates an app which contains several subdirectories under
MyOwnTest_Java (Public, WEB-INF, and others). index.jsp located in the
Public directory is the entry point.

> application context defined as: MyOwnTest_Java/Public? i don't
> understand ur url: localhost/MyOwnTest_Java/Public/index.jsp? do u
> mean to state: http://localhost:8080/MyOwnTest_Java/Public/index.jsp?

Yes I do.

> Also, you stated: "they only work if called on the Tomcat port
> directly." do u mean port 8080? tc's default port that the server

Yes I do

> "listens" on is port 8080 unless u redefine this in server.xml. in
> either case the port is necessary. tc servlets and jsp(s) r not
> invoked exactly like cgi-bin executables. the final analysis is: if u
> have defined ur .war/.jar correctly and tc server has expanded these
> files mentioned properly u should be able to invoke ur webapp
> "MyOwnTest_Java" as: http://localhost:8080/MyOwnTest_java (assume

As I mentioned in my first posting this works. But the whole point of
Tomcat/web server integration is that your web server is running on port 80
and that it will simply forward servlet/jsp request to Tomcat. This allows
for the url http://localhost/MyOwnTest_Java/Public/index.jsp without
explicitly defining port 8080 (or whatever Tomcat listens on).

> their is a jsp or servlet defined at that uri). hope this helps,
> david.


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