Micael, before I refer to my problem w. Tomcat NOT starting the correct/right way
for me, I MUST point out something about u (And I frankly don't care at all if
this observation of you gets my emails in the future filtered out of your inbox or
not!!) and that is that you are WAY TOO DAMNED ABRUPT and almost demanding in the
way that you seem to deal with everyone else in this newsgroup of ours!!! I mean,
in your last posting dealing with my problem, you had to say that the problem was
with the <Context> tag in the C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.12\conf\server.xml file, and
to CLOSE IT!!! Do you really have to be so damned demanding of me?! I mean you
don't even know me at all, so what gives you the right to talk to me--or enyone
else--like that???

 With having said that, lemme say that I was just now in that server.xml file,
following up on the advice that a Bill Barker gave me, NOT any advice from Micael,
and I couldn't readily find at what place exactly in the file I should do the
editing to close the Context tag. There are 2 sections in it that refer to a
context tag, for the ROOT or for the EXAMPLES. I put the context path in the ROOT
section recently to try to view a JSP in my web browser, so maybe I messed up
things in the file by doing that, I don't know.

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