On Monday 02 Dec 2002 5:01 pm, Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
> That's the proper behaviour. By default, a web application is only able
> to read under the context under which it was deployed. If you want to
> grant access to the /tmp !*be carefull*!, add the following in your
> catalina.policy file:
> grant codeBase "file:${catalina.home}/webapps/<<your context>>/-" {
>     permission java.io.FilePermission "/tmp", "read";
> };

OK, this raises another issue. The problem arose because my servlet makes use 
of the maybeupload package <URL: http://www.weft.co.uk/library/maybeupload/ >
which I wrote and maintain, but which is also used in a number of other 
people's code including Cocoon 2, so it's moderately important that it 
doesn't do stupid things.

MaybeUploadServlet checks in it's init method that it's upload directory 
exists and is writable:

        uploadDir = new File( uploadDirPath);

        if ( ! uploadDir.isDirectory() || ! uploadDir.canWrite())
            throw new 
                UnavailableException( "Cannot write to upload directory " + 

UploadDirPath is a runtime configurable parameter, expected to be picked up 
from the web.xml:

        uploadDirPath = getStringParameterValue( "upload_dir_path", config, 

However, if no value is specified in the web.xml, then currently the 
hard-coded default is /tmp; the thinking being this is it's usually a safe 
place to write stuff.

Clearly, though, as you point out, this is the wrong thing to do. The obvious 
solution is to alter MaybeUploadServlet so that if no upload_dir_path is 
specified in the web.xml, to switch off the upload facility altogether, 
possibly appending a warning to the log. However I don't know who else's code 
this will hurt (and, indeed, it's interesting that I haven't had anyone else 
report this to me as a bug).

Could anyone suggest a means of getting a 'safe' directory path for 
UploadDirPath to default to, or should I go for the 'switch off' behaviour?



[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Simon Brooke) http://www.jasmine.org.uk/~simon/

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