I have an expanded-war app where it will initially auto-deploy (ie. expand the directories under /webapps), but not able to get it to hot redeploy after changes are made. By 'hot', I mean automatically have a new.war file re-expanded without restarting Tomcat.

If I make changes to the app and create a new.war file, the only way I can get it to re-deploy is if I remove the existing directory under webapps then shutdown/restart Tomcat. If I delete the directory and move a new .war file into /webapps while TC is running, it's not automatically expanded. I've tried removing the app via the TC manager first, but it still won't auto-deploy. If I simply rename the .war file while it's in the /webapps directory, it's immediately deployed with the new directory name w/o restarting TC. In a nutshell, if I use the same .war name, it won't redeploy unless I restart TC. I'm using the out-of-the-box server.xml, where unpackWARs="true" and autoDeploy="true" for localhost.

Is there no way to 'hot' deploy an existing app the way I'd like without restarting Tomcat? I've looked at the documentation and searched the archives/Internet. In almost all cases, the last step is to 'restart Tomcat'. My goal is to have automatic continuous-integration, including auto-deployment. Having to manually restart TC each time throws a wrench into that process.


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