I upgraded Tomcat from old 4.0.6 to 4.1.12 and now i have problems with
WebDav support:symbolic links on the webdav directory cannot be
inspected/followed from any client (HTTP error: could not do a PROPFIND
on file "/webdav/mydir" froms server "myserver" (404)). I work on Linux.
I modified my server.xml adding the following lines inside host tags, to
make allowLinking parameter true for every existing application. But it
seems not work.
    <Resources className="org.apache.naming.resources.FileDirContext"
allowLinking="true" caseSensitive="false"/>

Any help for me? This is the only problem i have....


Thank you,

Paolo Scaffardi

Ufficio Giotto - Airvent SAM S.p.A. - Rimini

Tel. 0541 383294


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