> mod_jk 1.2.0 indeed does contain the socket_timeout &
> cache_timeout settings
> (I dont't know if they work, though)

I couldn't see it in the source code of 1.2.0 but I could be wrong about

> This version doesn't seem to have any timeout options.
> Documentation says mod_jk is independent of tomcat version, so I guess I
> could just update the Apache/mod_jk part of my system. Is this assumption
> correct????

yes, this is the idea.

> I wouldn't want to switch to another tomcat, because chnages like
> this tend
> to create countless problems in regard to source compatibility.

There have been bugfixes with 4.0.2 so I would suggest installing
and testing with 4.0.6.  With this minor upgrade, you should see
very little change in comparison to 4.1.x.


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