This looks more likely a memory issue to me.  Have you tried setting the
heap size for the JVM?  I had faced a similar problem earlier and it was
solved when I changed the heap memory settings.  Depending upon the server's
memory, you can use the '-Xmx xxk -Xms xxk' option to change your heap


-----Original Message-----
From: Aymeric Alibert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 5:38 PM
To: <
Subject: TC 4.1 and VM crash: how to report issue?

We are running a Tomcat 4.0 server in our production environment and
I am trying to upgrade to Tomcat 4.1.

I ran some load test recently and was horrified to see the server crashing
under moderate load. After more testing, I found that starting the VM with
-server option systematically crash the VM after few minutes of load test.
The server works fine even under heavy load with the -client option.
The same behavior can be reproduced with both JDK1.4.0 and JDK1.4.1.

My TC4.0 server runs fine with the -server option.

Now, this is obviously a JVM problem but probably won't have any help from 
SUN since:
- I cannot create a test case to reproduce my problem.
- I works fine with TC4.1

Can someone help me with this issue or at least guide me to the right
I found several tickets opened on the SUN bug database with similar issues
none of them had a resolution or people assigned to work on them.



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