Thankyou, good to know, i'll see which aproach is easyer for me.

On Monday 16 December 2002 21:30, Turner, John wrote:
> This has come up many times before.  There is no easy solution. 
> Apparently, Apache doesn't do the DirectoryIndex until after it checks to
> see if the URL should be passed to Tomcat.  Since the actual URL has no
> "*.jsp" on it at that time, it doesn't go to Tomcat.
> There have been various alternatives suggested on the list in the past:
> 1) setup a index.html file to do a META refresh of 0 to URL/index.jsp
> 2) use mod_rewrite to intercept URLs that don't have a file on them,
> rewriting them to /index.jsp
> 3) send all requests to Tomcat, and use the web.xml welcome file list to
> have index.jsp come up first (this would make Apache pretty useless)
> There are probably other workarounds.
> John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alexander Wallace [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 8:11 PM
> Subject: how do i make apache auto load index.jsp
> When using apache + tomcat, and calling my web app context, with no page
> being
> requested, i get  404 error.... If i call tomcat directly (using port 8080)
> tomcat loads index.jsp fine.
> How can i make apache also load the index.jsp ?
> I thought that by adding the index.jsp to the httpd.conf DirectoryIndex
> directive it would do it, but it doesn't...
> Thanks in advance.
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