On Wednesday 18 December 2002 06:27 pm, Ronin Quigley wrote:
> I am running Windows XP and have done the following:
>   a.. Installed Jave SDK and set the path variable to
> stemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:Java\bin; b.. Downloaded release version  4.1.12
> of Tomcat
>   c.. Set the variable JAVA HOME=C:\JAVA
>   d.. Set the variable CATALINA_HOME= C:\TOMCAT\JAKARTA-TOMCAT 4.1.12
>   e.. Tested  the above by doing the ECHO test and they were fine.
> The command prompt in Windows XP automatically defaults to C:\Documents and
> Settings\Go For It Web Design>, how do I get a C:\ prompt? And once I get a
> C:\ prompt can I start it by the following?
> C:\
> cd tomcat\jakarta-tomcat 4.1.12\bin
> startup.bat
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> Rocket

To change the working directory to C: type C:\ and press enter in the command 
prompt (if my memory doesn't betray me - my Windows days are long gone). Your 
steps to start tomcat seem be correct but paths and names in the description 
of environment variables are a mess (JAVA_HOME should have  the "_", 
"SystemRoot" instead of "stemRoot", C: must be followed by a "\" in paths, 
there is a "-" instead of a space between "jakarta-tomcat" and "4.1.12" in 
the standard distribution, at least on Linux). I attribute this chaos to fast 
typing but I'd double check if I were you. My Windows experience taught me to 
avoid spaces in paths also.

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