
libexec/ is correct---that's where mod_jk is located.

So I added <ApacheConfig modJk="/usr/local/apache-1.3.27/libexe"/> to httpd.conf, as suggested in the catalina.out error message (thought maybe a full path would help), but Apache won't start---says <ApacheConfig is invalid.


Denise Mangano wrote:

Jerry - you know that is the exact error message that I was getting at one
point. Here two things that I did. I realized that the mod_jk.conf was
being generated every time I started Tomcat. So any changes that I made to
it were being overwritten every time I used it. The generated mod_jk.conf
was pointing to libexec/ (In the first few lines of mod_jk.conf)
but that was not where the file was on my box. I kept changing the path to
the correct one, but it kept looking at libexec every time I restarted
Tomcat. So I poked the net and found that if you modify the mod_jk.conf
file you should place a copy in another location, for example I placed one
right in the conf directory. Then change the Include statement in your
httpd.conf file to point to that new location. (Try that first)

I tried that but mod_jk still wasn't working. So it seemed to me that this
error was coming from the file ApacheConfig. But the only place this file
existed was in the build distribution that I unpacked, and built my from (actual location was
). So I edited that file to reflect the proper location (replaced libexec
with my actual Path). Then I built again and replaced the one I
had built previously. That seemed to do the trick. Every time Tomcat is
started up, the autogenerated file contains the proper location.

This might get rid of your error message, but may not get mod_jk to work.
As of right now I have resorted to not using the mod_jk.conf at all, and
placing the directives directly in the httpd.conf may be
luckier... Please let me know of your progress since we are in the same boat


-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Ford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Saturday, December 21, 2002 8:50 PM
To: tomcat-user
Subject: progress, but still no mod_jk

Okay, I removed the nested comments from server.xml and tomcat now starts up.

http://localhost works
http://localhost:8080 works (including servlets and jsps)

...but now http://localhost/examples/servlets produces a Not Found error (previously, was giving me the servlets index.html, but no longer).

In catalina.out, there is what looks like a warning message about mod_jk: "Make sure it is installed corectly or set the config location."

Is this normal? Does this message always get written to catalina.out on startup? Or does it only show up when there is an error?
Here's the entire output in catalina.out after Tomcat starts up:

Dec 21, 2002 5:35:12 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol init
INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on port 8080
mod_jk location: libexec/
Make sure it is installed corectly or set the config location Using
<ApacheConfig modJk="PATH_TO_MOD_JK.SO_OR_DLL" /> Starting service
Tomcat-Standalone Apache Tomcat/4.1.12-LE-jdk14 Dec 21, 2002 5:35:19 PM
org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start
INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on port 8080


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