I've been notified of a really weird exception.  I've searched the archives to no 
avail.  I provide the actual code at the bottom of this message.  In summary, some 
error on our web site is causing invocation of the designated JSP error page.  The 
error page is apparently getting a NullPointerException on the implicit exception 
object.  How is it possible to get to the error page with a null exception object?  My 
understanding is that the only time the error page gets invoked is if some unhandled 
exception occurs on a non-error page.  So I can't understand how the exception can be 
null on the error page.  By the way, this same error page has successfully reported 
errors on numerous occasions in the past; this is the first time I've received a 
report of a failure on the error page itself.

Here is the reported exception (cut down for readability) and the source (located on 
the translated .java file, but shown from errorpage.jsp):

at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:119)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)

exception.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(out));

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