Sorry to say, but Jeffrey is correct--Tomcat will not service the PHP
requests.  That is link asking Micros...  ASP to service Tomcat
requests, it just doesn't work.  I haven't configured Apache 2.0.x yet
so I can't help with that other than to say this--don't try to get
everything running all at the same time.  Just work on getting the
examples going in a most minimalist way.  I know when I tried to first
setup Apache / Tomcat / mod_jk, I tried to setup all the bells and
whistles, but I ended up just spinning my wheels.  It wasn't until I
tried a piece at a time that I got it working.

Hope that this helps.

Pantek Incorporated
Justin L. Spies

Ph   440.519.1802
Fax  440.248.5274
Cell 440.336.3317 

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 2:52 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Apache Tomcat configuration Issue

I do not know about tomcat and php, I would guess no.
however the <>  site lists this as
the link for php <> 
you might want to try the apache list group as well as any list group
list listed on the php site
good luck
-----Original Message-----
From: Moutoux, Myles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 12:49 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Apache Tomcat configuration Issue

I've tried everything that I can, based on the references that you sent.
All without success. Perhaps there is another way. The only reason that
I wanted to have Apache on this particular machine is so that I could
use some of the functionality of PHP. Is there a way that I could have
Tomcat service PHP requests?

-----Original Message----- 
Sent: Thu 12/26/2002 12:27 PM 
To: 'Tomcat Users List' 
Subject: RE: Apache Tomcat configuration Issue

List o' links
<>  (this is
mainly jk not jk2 if I recall)

the dll should go into APACHE_ROOT/libexec

the <ApacheConfig> directive if I recall is for jk in Tomcat 3 and there
is a different tag for tomcat 4, see links above.  I prefer to hard code
the directives.

I would suggest trying mod_jk instead of mod_jk2 as there is more
documentation available and a larger experience base. John Turner has a
collection of downloads.

While the online documentation does lag behind the actual code
development the information is out there and I have found the info on
the jakarta site to be quite helpful for mod_jk in the latest 4.1


-----Original Message-----
From: Moutoux, Myles [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 10:14 AM
Subject: Apache Tomcat configuration Issue

This seems to be a very common issue, however, I have to submit is again
because I am unable to get things to work properly. I have read all the
documentation that I can find, but, end up more confused than when I
started. So, here goes.

Everything is running on a Win2K machine with plenty of memory and disk
and most of the latest patches. I have successfully installed Apache
2.0.43 and it is running OK. I services my static web pages successfully
and also services PHP requests. I have installed Tomcat 4.1.17 with JDK This works fine for serving my JSP pages and JavaBeans. Now, I
need to integrate the two so that whenever Apache, listening on port 80,
receives a request for a JSP it forwards the request to Tomcat,
currently listening in port 8081. I have downloaded the
MOD_JK2-2.0.43.dll, but, have no idea where to put it other than in the
\winnt\system32 directory.

Some of the documentation suggest turning on the Apache auto-config
option in Tomcat. It suggest putting the <ApacheConfig /> directive in
the server.xml file directly below the <AutoWebApp ... /> directive. In
my file there is no such place, so, that's a dead end. I tried putting
the directive in anyway, to no avail. I tried creating a
WORKER2.PROPERTIES file from scratch and also modified the
JK2.PROPERTIES file as directed by some of the Jakarta documentation.
None of this has accomplished anything.

Perhaps the people that put Tomcat and Apache together should consider
putting some simple straight forward documentation together that
describes "exactly" how to accomplish this task. At the moment it's way
to complicated.

If anyone has any come up with a way of making this work, please let me
know. I would appreciate any assistance.

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