
Within your JSP page, you can put <% application.log("..."); %> anywhere you
want to put out a message to the log.

<% application.log("entering CCProcess"); %>

<% if (condition) { application.log("forwarding to verify"); %>

<jsp:forward page="/Verify.jsp" />

<% } else { application.log("forwarding to retry"); %>

<jsp:forward page="/Retry.jsp" />

<% } %>

I did that from the hip, and might have some typos.  Just trying to
illustrate logging within a context similar to what you are likely doing.

        --- Noel

-----Original Message-----
From: Denise Mangano [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2003 21:31
To: 'Noel J. Bergman '; 'Tomcat Users List '
Subject: RE: Changed file name now webapp not working right


I even tried changing everything back to FormValidate.jsp and it still
doesn't work...

Yes, your scenario is correct, form action "was" FormValidate.jsp - and "is
now" CCProcess.jsp, and depending on outcome of form validation,
CCPRocess.jsp will forward to Verify.jsp or Retry.jsp.  But now after the
"rename" I never get to Verify.jsp.  The action of Retry.jsp is
CCProcess.jsp.  What is completely boggling my mind is that it was working
perfectly before I changed the file name :( Well I guess its true what they
say, if its not broke...

And I feel pretty dumb saying this, but I do not know how to trace using log
code. I am assuming you mean add some code in the jsp file (and/or that will write to a log file to see what is happening.
Would you be able to recommend the code and the placement of that code so I
can trace this? Or maybe point me in the right direction to some

Thanks :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Noel J. Bergman
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: 1/5/2003 3:14 PM
Subject: RE: Changed file name now webapp not working right


The front end is/was FormValidate.jsp/CCProcess.jsp, which forwards to
Verify.jsp or Retry.jsp?

You renamed it, and now when you submit the form you never get to
Verify.jsp?  You are saying that when Retry.jsp submits the form, the
action is CCProcess.jsp?  Have you put any log code into CCProcess.jsp
trace what is happening?

        --- Noel

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