Well, it seems yu've got some pbs with apr.

I use to work with Apache 1.3.26, not Apache 2.x.
It seems that Apache 2 is build including apr
This is an excerpt of the build.properties.sample.
# APR location - by default the version included in Apache2 is used.
# Don't edit unless you install 'standalone' apr.

It seems that apr is well included. Just have it verified.
If not, just download and install apr-0.9.1 in the ./jk2 directory - from where yu try to compile -

BTW Can you be more precise about the way yu compile install?
I mean ./buildconf.sh and ./configure ???


:O) Jean-Luc B

David Orriss Jr wrote:


When I try to build the libjkjni.so library I'm getting this set messages/errors:

-lcrypt -L/usr/local/apache2/lib -lapr  -Wl,-soname -Wl,libjkjni.so -o
      [so] StdErr:
      [so] /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lapr
      [so] collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Link failed libjkjni

Suggestions would be most appreciated.  I'm really stumped as to why it can't
find this apr library.  FWIW, my Apache 2 installation is in /usr/local/apache2
and tomcat 4.1 is in /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.18/


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