Yeah, I find most problems of "it worked on version 4.x, but not 4.y"
are resolved down to:
1) The app really did change even though the person reporting the
problem claims it did not
2) The app is coded around a "feature"(read: Bug), which has been
fixed.  :)  This has gotten us mostly with 
respect to differences in handling of UTF strings.
3) configuration changes that are needed by code introduced in the
later Tomcat version
4) A real bug introduced in the tomcat code.

Usually in that order.  In your case, it was a nasty variation on
number 2, not something that would be easily findable.

Glad to see you tracked it down.

- Jeff Tulley

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/6/03 12:40:19 PM >>>
Thank you very much for the reply. After double checking all my
settings and 
for hunting where the problem was, i disabled a filter i had
implemented to 
ensure that https was being used when i wanted. 

Disabling the filter allowed tc 4.1.18 to work using https. So now the
becomes why the filter does work under 4.1.12 and not 4.1.18.

A quick debug of the filter shows that the problem must be of

Tomcat 4.1.12's httpRequest.getRequestURL() returns 
That's the only way i had to know if i was being requested something
via SSL, 
so i wrote my filter to check for the secure port.

Tomcat 4.1.18's httpRequest.getRequestURL() returns 
And even though my TC doesn't handle the SSL, i'm now told what scheme
being requested.  

This is a wellcome change, I just didn't know about it! I hope it stays
way, becouse i now have to rewrite the filter, i hope i don't have to
it again for future upgrades.

Any coments? Suggestions?

I'm running linux, debian (woody and sid)... jdk 1.4.1-rc-b19.
Again thanks!

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