Few more things I would like to add

1.With apache you could secure your application far better than directly
using tomcat.
(Don't ask me how. Some experts could help me substantiate this)

2.Load balancing and failover

With apache-tomcat integration we could have load balancing and fail over 
Apache could handle multiple instances of Tomcat and redirect request (ie
to various instances. Even if one of the instance is not available the rest
could serve
the page and as an when the instance is added back to the group apache
starts sending
requests to that instance totally without affecting anything.

Both the above are really important for live websites which would 
make them more secure and reliable.

Hope that helps


-----Original Message-----
From: Julius Davies [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 10:28 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: difference between apache and tomcat webserver

krip pane,

> I was under the impression that apache is needed to
> serve the jsp pages - looks like not.

Too many people are under that impression.

> what is the advantage or disadvantage of
> installing/using apache as your webserver and
> installing some connector (i.e. mod_jk) to use with
> tomcat.

Advantages of using apache with tomcat:

- Feels safer when using port < 1024 on linux/unix.
- Works together very well with lots of other web stuff (cgi, perl, php).
- All the extra modules, for example: https.
- Everybody's doin' it.

Notice that I don't include "speed of serving static files and images".
This is because, frankly, if you're hosting a dynamic web site, static files
are the least of your problems.  Tomcat is just as fast at sending a "304 -
Unmodified" response as Apache is, and that's all that matters.

Disadvantages of using apache with tomcat:

- Much, much harder to get everything working.  As you've discovered, it
takes about 2 minutes to get Tomcat up and running!  You will spend hours,
if not days, learning to pair Tomcat up with Apache.  At least judging from
this mailing list.  I've never done it!


Julius Davies, Programmer, CUCBC
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ph: 604.730.6385

The contents of this message are my own personal opinions, and not those of

> -----Original Message-----
> From: krip pane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 2:05 PM
> To: tomcat
> Subject: difference between apache and tomcat webserver
> All,
> I hope I am understanding and asking this answer
> correctly.  I recently installed tomcat 4.1 with
> default values and was able to server jsp pages.
> I was under the impression that apache is needed to
> serve the jsp pages - looks like not.  So the question
> is what is the advantage or disadvantage of
> installing/using apache as your webserver and
> installing some connector (i.e. mod_jk) to use with
> tomcat.
> Thanks
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