As I said in response to your earlier e-mail, you really should be asking
these questions in tomcat-user.  Personally, I still use my own JDBC
connection pool.  Unlike DBCP, I know every line of my connection pool and,
more importantly, I know that it works.

There is step-by-step documentation on how to setup a datasource on the
Tomcat website:

        --- Noel

-----Original Message-----
From: Gustavo Rojas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 13:16
To: Noel J. Bergman
Subject: RE: help conecting Tomcat with a As/400

I have the JT400.jar in my TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib,  i think that this is
the JDBC driver that i need.
I want to make the next stuff, I want  to connect a JSP web page to my
database that is in the AS/400, and i have two question:

1) how can i define the datasource, in the tomcat,
2) where can i find any examples about JSP web pages that link with a
AS/400 database.

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