I installed the Apache1.3.27, mod_jk1.2.1 and Tomcat4.1.18 recently on our
Solaris6 machine. The approach is that let 1 apache as web server dispatches
requestes to the 3 tomcat server instances. There is no error in the
and install. But when I was load-testing the application, I noticed that
there were
lots of error message shown in the mod_jk file, although all the requests
dispatched to the tomcat servers and responded with 200.

I then changed the 3 tomcat servers' configure as following:
    <Connector className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector"
               port="11009" minProcessors="1" maxProcessors="1"
               acceptCount="10" debug="1"/>
So now every Tomcat can only accept 1 request at the same time.
I then sent 3 concurrent requests to the cluster: tomcat21, tomcat22,
>From the debug/log file, I think the mod_jk and tomcats are working like :
1, 3 requests reaches mod_jk, mod_jk sends requests to tomcat21
2, tomcat21 accepts the first one and rejects the other 2,
3, mod_jk logs errors in mod_jk.log, reports the tomcat is down or network
4, mod_jk then sends the 2 to tomcat22
5, tomcat22 accepts 1 and rejects the other.
6, mod_jk again logs errors.
7. mod_jk sends the alst one to tomcat23,
8, tomcat 23 accepts it.

I think there is nothing wrong with this procedure, but besides the annoying
error messages,
the whole performance is poor due to the time spent in the probes. I also
suspect that
the socket connection in Solaris6 is too slow, for some reason.

I have questions for those who have the tomcat cluster in there production
how about the performance in your site? Is there anything wrong with my
configuration or should
I use JK2 to improve performance?

The configuration files and log files are attached with this email.

OS: Solaris 6
Apache1.3.27, Tomcat 4.1.18, mod_jk1.2.1( I can not find the binary mod_jk
at the apache.org site
under solaris6 directory, so, I download the one in Solaris8 dir).


Jerry You <<tomcat_23_catalina.log>>  <<the_change_to_httpd.conf>>  
<<workers.properties>>  <<change_to_tomcat21_server.xml>>  
<<tomcat_21_catalina.log>>  <<tomact_22_catalina.log>> 

Attachment: tomcat_23_catalina.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: the_change_to_httpd.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: workers.properties
Description: Binary data

Attachment: change_to_tomcat21_server.xml
Description: Binary data

Attachment: tomcat_21_catalina.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: tomact_22_catalina.log
Description: Binary data

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