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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wesley Hobbie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, January 19, 2003 3:59 PM
> Subject: connecting Tomcat with Apache
> am using Windows XP Pro, Apache 2.0.43, and Tomcat 4.1.15.
> Here is the problem, I have Apache working great, I want to 
> be able to serve
> JSP pages, I installed Tomcat and have it working fine for standalone,
> displays my JSP pages just fine at http://localhost:8080 
> (which is my Tomcat
> port). My Apache port is 80. When I try to open a JSP page on port 80
> (with Apache) it ignores all JSP tags such as <jsp:include 
> page="layout.htm"
> flush="true"/>, not displaying the page correctly. Somehow I need to
> connect Tomcat to Apache to handle my JSP pages but have not 
> had success. I
> have read the Apache and Tomcat documentation and tried to 
> edit the config
> files accordingly but have not had success. I have also done 
> searches on
> the Internet to no avail. The problem seems to be with my 
> Apache config
> file (http.conf) in which I state the following as the Tomcat 
> documentation
> suggests:
> # Using mod_jk.dll to redirect dynamic calls to Tomcat
> <IfModule !mod_jk.c>
> LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.dll
> </IfModule>
> JkWorkersFile "%CATALINA_HOME%\conf\"
> JkLogFile "%CATALINA_HOME%\logs\mod_jk.log
> JkMount /servlet/* ajp13
> JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
> however, I have the mod_jk.dll in the modules folder but when I try to
> restart my Apache it fails to restart do to an error, the log 
> file claims
> that mod_jk.dll cannot be found in C:\Program Files\Apache
> Group\Apache2\modules when I can clearly see it is there.
> If you can help, please do, this has frustrated me for days. 
> All help is
> much appreciated.
> --
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