Its probably set in the jvm - the default heap size set is for 64 meg. This can be 
changed using the -Xmx parmeters in the initial call to the jvm. We set the max heap 
size for our tomcat to 128M using:

-----Original Message-----
From: Hari Venkatesan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 1:21 PM
Subject: Memory Allocation

Tomcat when starting uses 60M memory in heap. Why is that it is using so
much memory in heap. I found this by running jprobe memory debugger. I
have just one application in the context of server.xml file and don't
think the entire application gets loaded into memory. After doing a full
garbage collection, the heap memory comes down to 11M. Is something
going wrong or is it the way tomcat behaves? 

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