Hi Jon,

I am having a little problem with the solution you
gave me.  The problem is that, unlike the <jspc> tag
which uses org.apache.jasper.JspC, I cannot include
nested <fileset> tags to specifically indicate which
jsps to compile and which not to (i.e. I have a
header/footer jsp included in alot of other jsps in
which the converted java code won't compile as a

The <jsp> tag allowed me to do this but doesn't allow
the webXmlFragment attribute (which puzzles me since
it also is org.apache.jasper.JspC).

I suppose there are other options like re-arranging my
directory structure, building my own java class/task,
etc, but that all seems kind of extreme.  Any ideas?


--- Jon Eaves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Tony,
> Here's an Ant task that will do what you want. 
> Please be aware
> that this will delete all the JSP files from the
> build directory
> as part of the processing.
> It also creates a web.xml fragment that represents
> all the
> servlets (that were the jsp files) that needs to be
> included
> in the web.xml prior to creating the WAR file.
> It runs jasper first, and expects to find the JSP
> files in
> ${web.home} and will output the java files in
> ${basedir}/gensrc.
> These java files are then compiled and put into the
> build
> directory (where all the servlet files are)
>    <!-- ==== jspc target ==== -->
>    <taskdef classname="org.apache.jasper.JspC"
> name="jasper" >
>        <classpath refid="compile.classpath" />
>    </taskdef>
>    <target name="jspc" depends="compile"
>        description="Invoke Jasper JSP compiler" >
>        <mkdir dir="${basedir}/gensrc" />
>       <jasper verbose="0"
>               uriroot="${web.home}"
>               webXmlFragment="${basedir}/web.inc"
>               outputDir="${basedir}/gensrc" />
>        <javac
>            srcdir="${basedir}/gensrc"
>            destdir="${build.home}/WEB-INF/classes" >
>            <classpath refid="compile.classpath" />
>        </javac>
>        <!-- remove any *.jsp files in the build
> directory -->
>        <delete>
>            <fileset dir="${build.home}"
> includes="**/*.jsp" />
>        </delete>
>    </target>
> Now, just WAR it up.
>    <target name="dist" depends="compile,javadoc"
>     description="Create binary distribution">
>      <!-- Copy documentation subdirectories -->
>      <mkdir   dir="${dist.home}/docs"/>
>      <copy    todir="${dist.home}/docs">
>        <fileset dir="${docs.home}"/>
>      </copy>
>      <!-- Create application JAR file -->
>      <jar
>           basedir="${build.home}"/>
>      <!-- Copy additional files to ${dist.home} as
> necessary -->
>     </target>
> So, this creates the war file.
> ant compile jspc dist
> Will do all the good things.  If you want the actual
> build.xml
> that does all this, then let me know.  If you're
> using an IDE
> this should give you the general idea, but you're on
> your own.
> Cheers,
>       -- jon
> Tony Colson wrote:
> > After reading the documentation I am unclear how
> to
> > package the precompiled jsp pages with a war file
> so
> > that Tomcat will see and use them.
> > 
> > Also, do I need to include the actual jsp files
> > themselves?  When I tried that, Tomcat recompiled
> them
> > anyways and put them in the work directory as
> normal.
> > 
> > I am running Tomcat 4.1.18.
> > 
> > Thanks
> > Tony
> > 
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