I am working on a project that involves creating a web application.  Within our build 
environment, the webapp does not exist in the standard webapp structure.  For example, 
we have servlets/jsp/html/images/etc in various directories that need to be merged 
into the standard webapp structure (we use an ant script for this) before they can be 
deployed and run on an app server (i.e. tomcat).

The problem with this is that it really stinks to run a hefty ant script every time 
that I want to see a minor change in a JSP.  So here's what I would like to do in my 
development environment (wich happens to be Eclipse).  It involves two parts:

1. Create a development context class loader.  Sysdeo has already written one of these 
that allows multiple arbitrary paths to be added to the standard set (WEB-INF/classes 
and WEB-INF/lib) supported by the servlet spec.  This works reasonably well, and 
allows me to load servlets/resources/etc from the various places that they exist 
within my development environment.  No copying/moving/etc. required!

2. The next thing required would be to have a tomcat Context that would look in 
various non-standard places for requested resources such as JSPs, html files, images, 
etc.  Essentially, I would like to have tomcat look in a series of directories for a 
requested resource (within a single Context), rather than just in the docBase.  For 
example, if the url http://localhost:8080/myapp/index.html were requested, I would 
like tomcat to look in c:\dev\module1\web, c:\dev\module2\web, c:\dev\moduleN\web, 
etc.  The process would stop as soon as the resource was found.

Has anyone seen something like this already implemented?  If not, are there any 
suggestions on where I would start to do this myself?  I was thinking that I might be 
able to simply extend the StandardContext in Catalina, but it looks like things are 
pretty hard coded around the idea of a single docBase directory.

Other people have to have similar development structures, so how are others doing this?

Dave Keyes

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