On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 16:17, Cees van de Griend wrote:

> > and there are 27 - 35 instances of it.
> This could be correct, does not sound unreasable.
> > It takes up close to 1 GB of memory.
> This does sound unreasable.
> How did you measure this?

Running just the examples, as was stated earlier, would rule out taking
upwards of a gig of memory. I run a fairly sophisticated web app which
gets roughly 100k hits a day our JVMs rarely take up 50-80meg a piece
(they are 4 JVMs taking roughly 1/4th of the requests).

I would suggest looking at vmstat and doing 'cat /proc/meminfo'. If you
see 1gig+ memory allocation, you can do the math. If you have less then
1gig memory, you should definately see heavy swap usage.


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