
Okay so I have mod_jk working (not in auto mode - will test that tomorrow), but not without a couple issues most likely due to me still wrapping my head around how tomcat works.

when I run http://myserver.dartmouth.edu:8080/examples the URL stays the same through the launching of the example servlets.

however when I run http://myserver.dartmouth.edu/examples the URL changes to http://myserver/examples

I guessing this is a setting in the examples web.xml as a couple test servlets I have installed do not exhibit this behavior (and I wrote those web.xml files)

or is this a localhost setting issue from somewhere else?

If I understand what John is saying below I should be able to stash all my content in /raid/htdocs and have a setting in server.xml point to that instead of tomcat4/webapps - correct? Following this non-servlet oriented files would simply follow htdocs/ and the rest would go into htdocs/<servlet_dir/WEB_INF> and be picked off based on JkMount/JkUriSet?

I assume the docBase can be set for the 'over all' Context as well as for individual servlet contexts? Meaning I can set the Overall Context docBase to be htdocs then have servletA's docBase be tomcat4/webapps/servletA?

Interesting discussion on the Apache ~user front also. I will most likely have to move an installation in that direction eventually.


On Wednesday, January 29, 2003, at 10:30 AM, Turner, John wrote:

No, I mean the docBase attribute of Context can be the same as Apache's
DocumentRoot. That way, all of your content is in one location. The
requests will still be handled appropriately by Apache and Tomcat based on


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